Wednesday, June 3, 2015

PART ONE: Debunking the Negative Reviews of Shakeology: TASTES HORRIBLE

Negative Shakeology Review: SHAKEOLOGY TASTES HORRIBLE! total honesty here...I didn't care that much for Shakeology in the beginning either. I ordered Vanilla and I'll just say...not all flavors are for everyone. And I don't like it shaken with water and ice. I'm a blender girl... I blend with ice, water and almond milk...and most times with either frozen strawberries or half of a frozen banana. YUM! I may not have been a fan the first few days, but I've learned what flavors I like and how to make them...and now I can't imagine going a day without one! Actually, some days I have two!

There are 6 flavors to choose from:

Chances are there will be AT LEAST one flavor you will like. Not to mention that there are a bazillion recipes for Shakeology floating around! You can even purchase a sampler pack if you'd like to try them all before diving into a whole bag at first! (A direct link to order a 6-pack Sampler pack will be at the bottom of this post)

Here's the thing...Shakeology is all natural, and has no preservatives or artificial flavors. It is a "nutrient" packed, "super-food" filled health shake. IT IS NOT A MCDONALD'S MILKSHAKE OR A DAIRY QUEEN BLIZZARD! 

Shakeology is not formulated with artificial flavors and sugars to "enhance" the taste. There are over 70 superfoods and vitamins. It is formulated for what your body wants and NEEDS. And to be honest, I find it pretty damn delicious, especially knowing what it is doing for me internally! You can also look at it this way...Shakeology is like fitness for your insides. If you're anything like me, fitness isn't high on my "like" list, but I do it because I know its good for me and I love the way I feel after!

What you're getting is a shake to support your brain, your heart, your lungs, your lymphatic and respiratory system. And those are just a few of the benefits of Shakeology! I think when you get past the idea that it won't taste like a fast food shake, and you start looking at it as something to fuel your body and help it work on all cylinders internally, you will change your mind that it tastes terrible - and mind you, that is not an adjective I would ever use to describe Shakeology, not even Vanilla ;)  And, like I said before, there are so many recipes around that I'm sure we can find at least one for you!

Bottom Line: You have to find the right flavor for you, and you have to experiment with the best way to make it so it tastes good to you. I may not like Vanilla, but I know hundreds of people who do! Again...we just need to figure out what you like!

My personal favorites are Strawberry and Greenberry, but my favorite-favorite is CHOCOLATE!

OH YEAH...Shakeology also has a 30-day, bottom of the bag, money-back guarantee! If you don't like it for ANY reason, you can switch out your flavor or get a questions asked!

Are you interested in Shakeology or do you have any questions? Email me anytime at and I'll send you all the information you need!

Ready to try some? Sample all 6 here to order 6-pack Shakeology Super Sampler

Are you a visual learner or just want even more information...check out these AWESOME videos below too! Each are just a few minutes!

Again...if you are interested in Shakeology or have any questions? Email me anytime at Can't wait to hear from you!

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